Profanatica – Disgusting Blasphemies Against God (2010)


As one of the most ‘anticipated’ records of 2010, “Disgusting Blasphemies Against God”  is all that the band and the label promises it to be. The album is raw, barbaric, filthy, dissonant, blasphemous, etc., however, we fail to see the point in how the lyrics and song names are crafted. We have nothing against the crushing and extremely raw and harsh music, the problem we have is with the idiotic lyrics and song titles. One thing is to be ‘kvult’ and another is to sound like a retarded 5 year-old, with songs like “Angel with Cock”, “Covered in Black Shit”, and “Smashing Religious Fucking Statues” the band sounds like a bad joke written by the kids from South Park.

We completely understand the anti-religion ideology behind the band, but when things are taken down this low, the whole point is missed and it ends up being laughable. With such idiotic ramblings we think that this takes credibility away from other bands of the genre that are actually EDUCATING themselves and being anti-religion/Satanic in a smart way.

Moving away from the childish rebellious teenager lyrics, we do have a band that actually plays solid music that invokes chaos and destruction. DBAG actually provides the USBM scene an album with substance and great ideas (musically), all ten tracks feature pounding bass guitars and powerful riffs that create a thick whirlwind like atmosphere that will make you have nightmares.

The riffing in this album changes constantly and sometimes even hit’s old school Doom levels with slow-pounding sections that will make you feel like you are dragging yourself through a bed of broken glass. The more ‘traditional’ approach of songs like “Fuck the Blood of The Lamb” and “Crush All that is Holy Defile” (or at least we think is the name since the songs start in the middle of the actual track layout), creates a solid and hateful aural attack in the way of more ‘pure’ BM, showing the band’s chops for actually writing ‘straight forward music’.

The vocals on DBAG are as close as we could ever imagine Satan to sound like, and greatly add to the overall rawness and brutality of the music. We do understand the level of blasphemy that this album carries with it, but at least use some more intelligent ways of pissing on Christianity. Some sections of different vocals styles and samples would have greatly contributed to the overall atmosphere, but nothing we can’t really live without.

In genera we think that DBAG is a pretty good album, the music is dense and powerful, the mix gets a bit getting used to (the bass guitar is too high) but it’s crushing and devastating. We believe that if the lyrics and song names would have been better this release would be the full package to showcase the true power of USBM, but as-is this release will surely please all fans of the genre, and people that don’t really care about what the band is saying and focus more on the destructive music.

Band: Profanatica Album: Disgusting Blasphemies Against God
Label:Hell's Headbangers Records

Release: August 31st, 2010

Official Site myspace
Genre: Black Metal

Country: USA

Rating: 85/100

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