Witchtrap – Vengeance Is My Name (2012)


Arriving all the way from Colombia, today we have Witchtrap and their impressive old-school Thrash Metal release titled “Vengeance Is My Name”. Featuring 40 minutes of intense balls-to-the-wall Thrash Metal, this release is an early candidate for Thrash album of the year 2012. The band delivers the old-school vibe brilliantly and their compositions are both entertaining and technically proficient.

After the misleading acoustic intro track, “Winds of War” delivers the first of many pummeling assaults of catchy riffing, high-octane drumming, and traditional Thrash Metal slur unlike anything we have hear this year. The band’s ability to sound like Kreator, Death Angel, Forbiden, used to do in the 80’s its impressive, but what is more impressive is how they complement the sound with even more technical abilities and keep the vibe intact.

The vocals are a somewhere in between the Venom and Kreator without every getting annoying at all. There are some very minimal Black’n’roll influences, but this release is mainly old-school Thrash Metal in our opinion. Experimental sections like on “Queen of Hell” and “Venomous Breath” mix some classical influences on their riffing alongside their Thrash onslaught, making them versatile enough to stand out from the rest without deviating too much from the genre.

Picking a favorite song in such an excellent album is quite hard since most tracks are outstanding, but we have to go with “Vengeance is my Name” and the awesome guitar work this track has. The opening solos nicely set the mood and give a very different vibe than when the band shifts to a more melodic Thrash Metal approach. This track is a fine example of the excellent musicianship behind this release and the musical powers of Witchtrap.

If you are a sucker for old-school Thrash Metal and appreciate a crystal clear production (unlike many old Thrash released), “Vengeance Is My Name” is the perfect release for you. Witchtrap does an excellent job in keeping Thrash alive while crafting their own sound and delivering an excellent release.

Band: Witchtrap Album: Vengeance Is My Name
Label: Hells Headbangers Records

Release: May 22nd, 2012

Oficial Site myspace
Genre: Thrash Metal

Country: Colombia

Rating: 90/100

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