Forlorn Chambers – Unborn and Hollow (2013)


Founded in 2012 and already with a killer demo out in 2013, Forlorn Chambers is one very promising Death Metal band from Finland. Featuring three tracks, this release shows a very mature band with a knack for melodic passages and killer drumming. Having a vibe combining Swedish Death Metal with some more Melodic elements, we are quite shocked about how good this mysterious band in.

Opening with the crushing “Unborn and Hollow”, this demo starts on a very high note due to the excellent quality of the band’s music. The drumming is superb and the riffing is very well structured, the vocals are a bit odd for the way the music sound but they have that old-school vibe similar acts like Nebiros (Mexico) and such. Thanks to the killer production, this track (and the rest) sound exactly like something that any big-name Scandinavian band would be able to produce.

Moving into more Grave-meets-Suffocation territory, “And We Hail The Ones Who Fall” combines massive drumming and deep growls with killer melodic guitar passages. We love the fact that Forlorn Chambers is starting to introduce more melodic elements into their sound and this track has the perfect blend between brutality and melody. Our favorite track in this release is the even more melodic “Desolate Resolution”, a song that is very emotional and similar to bands like The Prophecy that fall more under Doom Metal categories. The bass guitar here is quite skilled as well, but the mellow tempo and killer combination of deep growls and weeping riffs is just outstanding in our opinion.

As a first effort, “Unborn and Hollow” is one hell of a release for Forlorn Chambers. Setting the bar this high can only mean that this band can only get better and better with time so be sure to keep track of them. If you have a couple of bucks to spare, we surely recommend you pick up a copy of their demo (info on their FB page) since we believe it might someday become a hard to find Metal music collectible.

Band: Forlorn Chambers Album: Unborn and Hollow
Label: Self-Released

Release: 2013

Oficial Site myspace

Genre: Death Metal

Country: Finland

Rating: 85/100

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