Disbelief – Heal (2010)


Disbelief is a German Death Metal band that has been around since the 90’s, and have always produced decent releases. Consistency is one the band’s best qualities, since their self-titled debut album they have been putting out very solid songs with lots of groove to them. “Heal” is the band’s 9th full-length release, and it features yet another 40 minutes of solid Death Metal with some Sludge and Trash Metal influences.

Riffing away since track one, “The Eyes Of Horror”, the band does a great job at grabbing the listeners attention since the first song and never letting go. With brilliantly crafted riffs and aggressive vocals, the band blasts away through the album and before you know it you will find yourself playing it over and over again.

Unlike many releases these days, the riffing in this album is constantly kept fresh through all the songs. Something that only experienced bands can handle, only in “Certainty Of Reality” the band seems a bit weak (or more on the Sludge side), but nothing too bad to put this album in jeopardy. The drumming is very strong and also diverse over the release, there is no over production issue and it sounds just right.

Our favorite thing about this album is the intricate bass guitar track, it’s mixed perfectly to underline the music brilliantly. We don’t see this happen to often, and on “Heal” it’s what made this album standout from the rest for us. The majority of songs are very well written and sound just amazing when they do some vocal free melodic passages like at the beginning of “Red Sharks” and on “Welcome Home”.

The aggressive vocals sometimes sound a bit raspy, and somewhat forced (like on “Red Sharks”), but they don’t take anything out of this release. The band is great at weaving intricate and aggressive melodies with some Trash Metal guitar and bass guitar solos through the album, and we completely dig them.

If you want to listen to an ‘older’ band doing things just right, then get Disbelief’s “Heal”. Featuring great guitar riffing and superb song-writing skills, you can’t go wrong with “Heal”.

Band: Disbelief Album: Heal
Label: Massacre Records

Release:, 2010

Official Site myspace
Genre: Death Metal

Country: Germany

Rating: 86/100

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