Pombagira – Maleficia Lamiah (2013)


Delivering a very unconventional musical experience, today we have Pombagira and their fifth full-length release “Maleficia Lamiah”. Playing a very sonically pleasing combination of Stoner/Psychedelic and Doom Metal, this two person outfit delivers 2 tracks and over 41-minutes of brilliantly crafted music that has the vibe of a mystical jam session.

Opening with the album title track, “Maleficia Lamiah”, we are led into a cavernous path with sludgy riffs and well-crafted percussions. The bands style reminded us a bit of Karma To Burn and similar bands that just keep on going with intricate sections. As the track progresses, the catchy instrumental sections are quite effective and reach a very engaging climax. Before closing this 19-minute behemoth, the band goes back into some sludgy territory coming full circle on this ambitious track.

The psychedelic journey continues with the very elaborate “Grave Cardinal”. Clocking at 22-minutes, this track delivers several complete mood changes and very solid instrumentation. The song opens with a Sludge edge and it slowly transforms into some more Doom/Psychedelic mood. The vocals are pretty standard, but sound a bit drowned in the mix at times. It is a good thing the band focuses more on their instrumental abilities. The bleak ‘acoustic’ passages are quite well crafted and at times have that Anathema’s “The Silent Enigma” vibe to them.

Overall, “Maleficia Lamiah” is quite an entertaining release that will surely satisfy your Doom/Sludge cravings. The two-piece does a great job in crafting intricate songs that often change moods and keep the listener engaged. If you are a fan of Sludge/Doom Metal and want a splash of Psychedelic elements in your music, be sure to pick up a limited copy of this release.

Band: Pombagira Album: Maleficia Lamiah
Label: Black Axis

Release: March 18th, 2013

Oficial Site myspace

Genre: Stoner/ Psychedelic/Doom Metal

Country: UK

Rating: 87/100

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