Rotten Liver – Purification by Debauchery (2013)


With a heavy knack for killer riffs and powerful melodies, France’s Rotten Liver delivers “Purification by Debauchery”. Avoiding sounding like anybody else, this band takes the best elements of bands like Vreid, Midnight, and old-school Darkthrone and creates their own brand of filthy Black’n’Roll that will have you headbanging since the first song.

Opening with “Infamous Nil”, the band immediately delivers waves of killer riffs and a very cool melodic vibe. The snarls are quite fitting for the music, but it is the creativity and catchiness behind the song that makes it quite enjoyable and devastating. “Become the Arcanthropos” keeps the flow of the album going with another onslaught of sickening riffs and a very dark-yet-melodic atmosphere that Rotten Liver perfectly creates.

As “Black’n Rot” rolls around, we particularly note the punk-ish drumming/guitar combo that makes this song quite enjoyable. The album’s production is the perfect mixture of raw and clear that current standards allow for an enjoyable, yet cavernous, experience. The drumming does quite a solid job in keeping the ‘Roll’ side of things working perfectly. Our favorite track in the release is the hellish “Purification by Debauchery”, a song that oozes Black Metal roots with a nice Rock-ish edge.

Overall, “Purification by Debauchery” is one hell of an EP that is quite powerful and yet melodic. Lasting only 20+ minutes, this release nicely showcases the abilities of Rotten Liver and their simple-but-effective songwriting skills. If you are looking for Black’n’Roll that differs a bit from the mold, look no further and get a copy of this excellent EP.

Band: Rotten Liver Album: Purification by Debauchery (2013)

Label: Mortis Humanae Productions

Release: February 2013

Oficial Site Social Media

Genre: Black'n'Roll

Country: France

Rating: 82/100

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