Mr. Death – Detached From Life (2009)


Did I put it the right CD?, am I hearing things?, old school Death Metal done correctly?. Mr. Death feels like a band that was put in hibernation for 20 years and they are finally releasing their debut album “Detached From Life”.

Featuring some members of Treblinka/Tiamat and Expulsion, Mr. Death makes a solid debut that shows that old school DM is timeless.

The catchy riffs and chugging melodies are plentiful in this release that should not go unnoticed by older fans of DM, the comparison to early Grave and Entombed is not something I would lightly use these days, specially when younger bands are trying to capture this sound but fail miserably.

Mr. Death delivers in all levels required to achieve old school greatness, all the riffs and solos are here, the movie samples, and the catchy melodies are brought back to life. There is nothing that I could find that would make this release weak; everything is carefully crafted in order to create a timeless masterpiece.

If you are ready for a trip down memory lane, or if you are looking for a good reference to old school Death Metal but you are having trouble finding those old releases, look no further and get this brilliant album that will transform you into a different time when there were not so many shit releases and all the big name bands released memorable albums.

Band: Mr. Death Album: Detached From Life
Label: Agonia Records

Release: October 31st, 2009

Official Site myspace
Genre: Death Metal

Country: Sweden

Rating: 89/100

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