Diabolic – Excisions of Exorcisms (2010)


With all the kiddies invading the current Death Metal scene, it’s nice to see some of the older bands come out and show what this kind of music is all about. Hailing from the Tampa scene, this American band shows that they have earned their DM chaps by experience, and not by copying everybody else.

“Excisions of Exorcisms” pretty much has the ‘traditional’ DM feeling to it. The riffing is very powerful, the blasting drumming is very well crafted, and the vocals are just right for this release. The band might not have the technical abilities that some of the ‘traditional’ bands do, but they compensate with blistering fast sections that will make you start moshing in no time.

The riffing is straight forward and while not super diverse, it’s catchy to the point of making it very good (like on “Entombed”). The standout element of this release is the powerful drumming provided by the band’s mastermind Aantar Lee Coates. There are no influences of any of the faggy ‘modern DM’ that bands have been playing in the last few years, and this is what makes Diabolic standout from the rest.

All songs in “Excisions of Exorcisms” have their good moments, and as long as the music is going 100 miles per hour it’s all good. However, the slower sections really need work since the all the ‘grooving’ attempts fall a bit short when compared to other bands like Jungle Rot.

Having taken a hiatus of several years, the band came back with a vengeance to cover the ground they lost during this years. We think that Diabolic is a very solid band, and if they keep working on their music, they can easily be side-to-side with bands such as Six Feet Under, Immolation, etc. in a few years.

Band: Diabolic Album: Excisions of Exorcisms
Label: Deathgasm Records

Release: June 8th, 2010

Official Site myspace
Genre: Death Metal

Country: USA

Rating: 86/100

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