Escarnium – Excruciating Existence (2012)


Packing a lot of heat in their traditional Death Metal, today we have Escarnium and their first full-length release “Excruciating Existence”. Featuring nine track of neck-breaking Death Metal, this band delivers excellent guitar riffs and tight drumming throughout this whole release. If you are a fan of Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Incantation, etc., this is the release for you.

With the crushing opener “731” the band delivers a powerful blow in the shape of relentless drumming and devastating riffs. The deep growls are up to par with any of the genre’s greats, but the overall meatiness of the music is what makes this release very appealing. The devastation rolls on with tracks like “Excruciating Existence”, “Self-Proclaimed Messiah”, and “Nuclear Burial”. While the band is not the most original in the world, they do an excellent job in delivering catchiness and brutality.

Our favorite track of the release has to be the bestial “Dark Clouds Above Hell’s Fire”. The drum patterns are very cool and the bass guitar line relentlessly pounds away with power and determination. The bonus track in this release (“Covered In Decadence”) is also quite appealing with hellish vocals and some interesting tempo changes, all making it quite brutal.

People can argue that Escarnium is not original and it just plays very typical Death Metal, but we have to say that they are damn good at it. If half the bands we get were as good as them, we would never stop listening to DM all day long, but sadly they are not, making Escarnium quite especial. If you are looking for a neck breaking release with nine crushing DM tracks, look no further, take a gable, and snag a copy of “Excruciating Existence” ASAP.

Band: Escarnium Album: Excruciating Existence
Label: Hellthrasher Productions

Release: April, 2012

Oficial Site myspace

Genre: Death Metal

Country: Brazil

Rating: 83/100

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